My Environment

My Future

The first step in a student’s journey to learn about careers in the built environment.

image showing an illustration of My Environment My Future school programme

The My Environment My Future (MEMF) School Programme is an innovative, free initiative designed to raise awareness about career opportunities in the built environment sector.


image showing an illustration of people listening to the lecture about built environment schools trust

Developed collaboratively by teachers and industry professionals, this program highlights the built environment’s impact on our society and environment.



MEMF offers both curriculum-based and extracurricular resources, providing students with foundational knowledge of the sector and showcases a wide range of careers within it.



The MEMF Programme

image showing an illustration of Built Environment Schools Trust My Environment My Future School Programme

Enhancing the Geography Curriculum

GCSE and A-level programme

Designed to meet the specifications of all major awarding bodies, this program comes complete with lesson plans, presentations, and worksheets. It includes over 150 built-in career resources to deliver a comprehensive learning experience.

Beyond the curriculum

National School Competition

The MEMF school competition challenges young people aged 11 to 18 to redesign a local building or space and consider the needs of the local community, sustainable practices, and new purposes and designs for the space. An opportunity to be creative and learn about specific career paths.

image showing an illustration of My Environment My Future school programme to build a sustainable future


Supporting schools and the sector

MEMF offers both curriculum-based and extracurricular resources, providing students with foundational knowledge of the sector and showcases a wide range of careers within it.


Provides year-long learning opportunities on the built environment for students aged 11 to 18.


Supports schools in achieving the Gatsby Benchmark 4, 5 and 6; an Ofsted requirement.


Allows for flexible delivery to suit different teaching styles, topics and student needs.


Complements existing built environment schools outreach.


Our Reach

Over 300 schools

Over 600 teachers

Over 40,000 students

Our GCSE uptake for next year has increased from 46% to 59% with many pupils expressing how they equate geography as a subject with a tangible career path for their future.

Head of Geography

Employers and professionals

You can play a crucial role in supporting the MEMF programme and inspiring the next generation of built environment professionals.




To download the MEMF school programme, you can register for free and start downloading today.




image showing built environment schools trust logo

© 2024 Built Environment Schools Trust

Charity number registered in England & Wales: 327456

Company Limited by Guarantee: 2117198

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